Gallyon's experience as development intern at DGOffice B.V. - DGM-SDG

Gallyon’s experience as development intern at DGOffice B.V.

Gallyon intern
Internship period

January 2024 – June 2024




Mobile application

Blending education with hands-on practice is the starting point of most careers, but everyone follows a different journey. This is the story of Gallyon’s internship experience at our company.

Gallyon Rozenkamp

Student, Windesheim Flevoland

Gallyon is a second year student for the associate degree in Software Development at Windesheim Flevoland. In search of a company for her individual comakership, she came across our assignment via the school website. 

As this was her first official internship at a company, she was slightly nervous and did not know what to expect from it. During the first introduction meeting, she noticed that the development team is close and young. This made her feel comfortable. Another initial impression was the modern working environment, which boosted her excitement to get started at DGOffice B.V.

“The assignment was exactly what I was looking for; not only developing a mobile application, but also in the programming language I wanted to work with.”


The assingment Gallyon chose for her internship was to develop a new mobile application for Android and iOS. To realize the desired functionality, she had to make use of both existing web services, but also had to develop new ones.

Main tasks defined to complete the assignment:

Training and support

The development team put a lot of time and effort in explaining everything, says Gallyon. She also liked the low hierarchy structure of DGOffice B.V., because she could directly approach anyone within the company to ask for help. These short lines caused a positive vibe. 

“The support I received from colleagues across the whole company was more than I could ever hope for. There is understanding that I want and need to learn, and they are prepared to share their knowledge with me.”

Learning and development

Besides learning about dangerous goods and regulations, Gallyon explains that she also learned that different departments work together, because everything that is done is related in the end. For job specific skills, she followed several courses for the programming language C# and used a new framework to build the app. 

Of course she had to get to know the company and people to find her spot. Because she was stimulated to keep asking questions or have discussions, she improved her communication skills. It also helped her to be open to others and work together. 

“There is no need to be scared or show vulnerability. Now I know that it is ok to make mistakes, as long as you learn from it and try to solve it.”


“Even though it was challenging at times, learning by doing is what I loved the most.”

Looking back and forward

Rating her internship at DGOffice B.V. with a 9+, Gallyon is very satisfied. She felt part of the team, involved and taken seriously. Being allowed to take part in scrum poker was the ultimate confirmation for her. 

“I recommend an internship at DGOffice to others as well (100%), especially to those that are looking for a human company and want good guidance.”

She successfully completed the individual comakership within the timeframe of 20 weeks. The atmosphere was warm and kind. It is the ideal culture Gallyon envisions to work in when looking at her future career. After a well-deserved Summer break, she will return to our development team to tackle a new challenge for her second and final internship.

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