On Sunday, the 3rd of March 2025, DGOffice will be updated. This release includes translation updates for different languages, improvements of existing functionalities, and some regulatory updates.
Regulatory amendments for March 2025
The following are the most significant:
Exempted variants have been created for below, aligning with exemptions specified in special provisions across ADR, IMDG, ICAO, RID, ADN, ADG, 49CFR, and TDG.
- UN 3270 (Fire extinguishers (gas), excepted according to Special Provision 594)
- UN 1044 (Nitrocellulose membrane filters (exempted))
- UN 1169 (Extracts, Aromatic, Liquid) has been removed from 49CFR, following the delayed compliance date of HM-215Q.
- UN 3423 (Tetramethylammonium hydroxide, solid (6.1 + 8, PG I)) correct packing instructions.
- The DGR 66 currently references Packing Instruction 655 for transport by passenger and cargo aircraft, which applies to Division 6.1 liquids in Packing Group III.
- However, the ICAO 2025-2026 edition assigns Packing Instruction 665 for this material, which is specifically intended for Division 6.1 solids in Packing Group I. Our data aligns with the ICAO 2025-2026 guidelines.