New, changed and deleted Dangerous Goods for 2023 - DGM-SDG

New, changed and deleted Dangerous Goods for 2023

DG update list image

Information on certain UN numbers is updated because of addendums in transport regulations. From the 1st of January 2023, these changes are included in

Updates for 2023

The following are the most significant:

    • New technical names are added for self-reactive substances (UN3230) and organic peroxides (UN 3107, UN 3105, UN 3117).
    • Addition of a new entry, UN 3550 (Cobalt dihydroxide powder).
    • UN 1169 (Extracts, aromatic, liquid) and UN 1197 (Extracts, flavouring, liquid) are merged, and become UN 1197 (Extracts, Liquid, for flavour or aroma).
    • Reclassification of UN 1891 from 6.1 to class 3 with a 6.1 subsidiary hazard.
    • Notes added to several packing instructions clarifying that non UN packages are not subject to the usual 400kg limit.
  • IMDG:
    • The distinction between strong acids (SGG1a) and weak acids (SGG1) is deleted. All SGG1a entries become SGG1.
    • Aerosols IP7, IP7A, IP7B and IP7C are replaced with a standard capacity of 1000ml for metal, and 500ml for plastic receptacles.

Full overview

To keep track of the differences, we created a list of all updates for all regulations. This overview reflects the items of which information in the DG list from the related regulations have changed.

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