
Welcome Presto!

It’s official! Presto Paloturvallisuus Oy is now a DGOffice reseller. They are located in Helsinki and can help you with protection of your operations from fires and accidents, as well as! They are excited to get started. We wish them lots of success! Contact Website: Email: +358-10-4240 500

DG List sept 23 snippet

New, changed and deleted Dangerous Goods September 2023

Information on certain UN numbers is updated because of addendums in transport regulations. From the 3rd of September 2023, these changes are included in Updates for September 2023 The following are the most significant: TDG. Amendments published by Transport Canada: UN 2264 PSN update UN 3269 SP141 added Special Provision texts update ADR, ADN and

Release update

Release September 2023

On Sunday morning, the 3rd of September, DGOffice will be updated. This release includes translation updates for different languages, improvements of existing functionalities, and some regulatory updates. ADN, ADR, RID, IMDG, AIR, ADG, TDG, 49CFR, BRA, COR, MEX Various new variants are added to distinguish between solids and liquids. TDG – Amendments published by Transport

Release update

Release July 2023

On Sunday morning, the 2nd of July, DGOffice will be updated. This release includes translation updates for different languages, improvements of existing functionalities, and some regulatory updates. ADN, ADR, IMDG, RID Among the amendments in the 2023 edition were deletion of UN 1169 (“Extracts, aromatic, liquid”) and a change in the PSN of UN 1179